The best appraisal is a supportive and developmentally focussed process
Being a Head of Music is both a broad and highly specialist role. Many Senior Leadership Teams find it difficult to appraise their musical leaders, as they lack the insight into the musical skills required and the challenges that are often unique to music departments. How musical and teaching skills are balanced with the leadership requirements of a Head of Music, and producing well designed development targets is something that benefits from 'inside' understanding of the role
As an external appraiser I spend time identifying the strengths of the music department, and then work collaboratively with the Head of Music to build on those strengths whilst developing whichever facets of the role and department would most benefit from it.
Although a suitable process will be discussed and devised to fit in with a school's normal appraisal systems, a music appraisal would consider, in depth, both academic and co-curricular aspects of the subject. It would also look at leadership and management, particularly of peripatetic music staff, but also of parents, pupils and more widely within and potentially beyond the school community. Depending on the size of the department and the appraisal budget available, it would involve at least one day visiting the department (ideally more if necessary to see a representative sample of lessons and rehearsals), canvassing feedback from a range of stakeholders, and ensuring that I arrive at a genuine and holistic understanding of the music department and its Head. There would be at least one follow-up to discuss the appraisal report, and, if desirable, ongoing mentoring to help the process of working towards the identified development targets.